Complete Online Beginners Course

You can buy all three of the 2024 beginners modules for £300. Please email Steve Judd at

The first module of the beginner’s course will start at 4.30pm UK time on Thursday 29th February 2024 and continue weekly at the same time. It consists of seven weekly sessions on Zoom, each 90 minutes in duration including time for questions by text.

An audio and video recording of each session will be available to participants free of charge after each session.

A programme for the first module is below.

Module 1 – The signs


29th February 2024 - A 90 minute lecture on the meaning of and the differences between the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven in the horoscope from a 21st century astrological perspective, incorporating the latest astronomical and astrological thinking and practice. The difference between the signs, houses and planets in the horoscope. The elemental and modal balances. There will be time at the end of the lecture for questions.

7th March 2024 – A 90 minute session on the signs of and the polarity between Aries and Libra. The meaning and influences of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven in these signs. There will be time at the end of the lecture for questions.

14th March 2024 – A 90 minute session on the signs of and the polarity between Taurus and Scorpio. The meaning and influences of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven in these signs. There will be time at the end of the lecture for questions.

21st March 2024 - A 90 minute session on the signs of and the polarity between Gemini and Sagittarius. The meaning and influences of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven in these signs. There will be time at the end of the lecture for questions.

28th March 2024 - A 90 minute session on the signs of and the polarity between Cancer and Capricorn. The meaning and influences of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven in these signs. There will be time at the end of the lecture for questions.

4th April 2024 - A 90 minute session on the signs of and the polarity between Leo and Aquarius. The meaning and influences of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven in these signs. 

There will be time at the end of the lecture for questions.

11th April 2024 - A 90 minute session on the signs of and the polarity between Virgo and Pisces. The meaning and influences of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven in these signs. There will be time at the end of the lecture for questions.


Module 2 – The planets

The second module of the beginner’s course will start at 5 pm UK time on Thursday 18th April 2024 and continue weekly starting at 5 pm UK time. It consists of six weekly sessions on Zoom, each 60 or 90 minutes in duration including time for questions by text.

The module two fee is £110 and can be paid by PayPal to

An audio and video recording of each session will be available to participants free of charge after each session.

A programme for the second module is below:

18th April 2024 – 5 pm UK time – Mercury and the North Node. The symbol, mythology, orbital pattern, definition of its retrograde motion and its meaning in each sign and house of the zodiac.

25th April 2024 – 5 pm UK time – Venus and Mars. The symbols, mythology, orbital pattern, definition of their retrograde motion and their meaning in each sign and house of the zodiac.

2nd May 2024 – 5 pm UK time – Jupiter and Saturn. The symbols, mythology, orbital pattern, definition of their retrograde motion and their meaning in each sign and house of the zodiac.

9th May 2024 – 5 pm UK time – Chiron. The symbol, mythology, orbital pattern, definition of its retrograde motion and its meaning in each sign and house of the zodiac.

16th May 2024 – 5 pm UK time – Uranus and Neptune. The symbols, mythology, orbital pattern, definition of their retrograde motion and their meaning in each sign and house of the zodiac.

23rd May 2024 – 5 pm UK time – Pluto. The symbol, mythology, orbital pattern, definition of its retrograde motion and its meaning in each sign and house of the zodiac.


Module 3 – The aspects

The third module of the beginner’s course will start at 5pm UK time on Thursday 30th May 2024 and continue weekly at the same time. It consists of six weekly sessions on Zoom, each 90 minutes in duration including time for questions by text.

The module three fee is £110 and can be paid by PayPal to

An audio and video recording of each session will be available to participants free of charge after each session.

A programme for the third module is below.

30th May 2024 – Aspects. This will cover the meaning of individual aspects in the chart, from the major aspects (conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile), the minor aspects (quintile, inconjunction [or as it is also known the quincunx], semi square and sesquiquadrate), and the really minor aspects (semi sextile, novile, septile, biquintile).

6th June 2024 – The opposition. This will cover the meaning of the opposition between two or more planets in the chart, as well as how to manage it and make the best use of it. We will look at all opposition combinations.

13th June 2024 – The trine. This will cover the meaning of the trine between two or more planets in the chart, as well as how to manage it and make the best use of it. We will look at all trine combinations.

20th June 2024 – The square. This will cover the meaning of the square between two or more planets in the chart, as well as how to manage it and make the best use of it. We will look at all square combinations.

27th June 2024 – The sextile. This will cover the meaning of the sextile between two or more planets in the chart, as well as how to manage it and make the best use of it. We will look at all sextile combinations.

4th July 2024 – The conjunction. This will cover the meaning of the conjunction between two or more planets in the chart, as well as how to manage it and make the best use of it. We will look at all conjunction combinations.

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