A guide to aspects in the horoscope

A guide to the different aspects in use in modern astrology today
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The placing of a horoscope on the surface of the globe to find the best place for residence, love and home.

The History of Astrology Recording

A 110 minute seminar on the history of astrology from ancient times to the present day . You will get a downloadable text file with a link to stream the recording.

video file - Chiron in the houses of the zodiac

Chiron - 18 May 2023 - The Astronomy, Astrology and mythology of Chiron, and its meaning in the houses of the zodiac

Intermediate Astrology Course

The intermediate course, will start on the 18th July 2024. This will consist of six weekly sessions on Zoom, each 60 - 90 minutes in duration including time for questions by text. See below for more details.